Spelling Bee
Every year, Sunridge Primary receives the exciting opportunity to participate in the Department of Education Spelling Bee competition.
The Department of Education Spelling Bee is a district as well as provincial competition and the Intermediate phase (Grade 4 – 7) is
the only category for the competition at this point.
The district competition will take place in August 2018, with the provincial competition following during the month of September 2018.
The Spelling Bee has three distinct segments:
1. Preliminaries (School clusters, Districts)
2. Semi Finals (Provincial)
3. Championship finals (National)
Each of the segments consists of four Rounds of spelling and an Elimination round.
The strength of the Spelling Bee lies in the learners’ being given a chance to participate from classroom level to the highest possible level in the
competition, according to his/her capability. The Spelling Bee is aimed at improving learners’ performance and confidence in
English language and we motivate our learners to be a part of this opportunity.