The senior choir consists of learners from Grade 4 to 7. At the beginning of the year, learners are invited to audition for the choir. The best singers are invited to be part of the choir as there are only a limited number of positions available.
The senior choir takes part in several festivals, workshops, competitions and concerts throughout the year. Some of the highlights include our annual Headlines concert where the choir has been privileged to perform with Elvis Blue, Emo Adams and André Venter. We also enjoy visiting our local Sunridge Village shopping center for an outdoor concert once a year.
Learners must attend 75% of practices to receive participation certificates. Learners may also be awarded a choir pin if they attend 90% of rehearsals, attend all concerts and display diligent behaviour in terms of punctuality and their conduct during rehearsals. Pin colours are as follows: 1 year – Blue pin 2 years – Red pin 3 years – Silver pin 4 years – Gold pin Pins will be rewarded at the end of term 3, but will be revoked if learners do not comply with the requirements.
Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 16:00 – 17:00 and Fridays from 07:00 – 08:00.